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2024 Doeberl Mini

Last update 01.04.2024 04:10:00, Creator/Last Upload: Box Hill Chess Club

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Power Aden1310AUS 66b1 26w1 12b1 8w1 4w1 13b1 3w172330,530,50
2Warne Alexander1162NSW 69w1 20b0 66w1 65b1 41w1 8b1 9w16172420,00
3Eleutherios Thomas0ACT 49w1 25b+ 10b½ 5w1 7b1 11w1 1b05,524,534,525,00
4Turek Matthew1373AUS 24b1 38w1 47b1 6w1 1b0 12w½ 15b15,5223222,75
5Yelkhovsky Daniil949AUS 45b1 14w½ 16w1 3b0 25w1 28b1 13w15,5223123,75
6Lee Nicholas1280AUS 52w1 19b1 23w1 4b0 9w½ 21b1 12w15,521,53022,00
7Belton Chris1405AUS 63b1 20w1 21b1 3w0 22w1 14b15,519,52720,25
8Ruaya Chris0WA 37w1 32b1 28w1 1b0 23w1 2w0 26b152232,519,50
9Hettiarachchi Nalindaka0SRI 39w1 42b1 34w1 6b½ 10w1 2b05213019,50
10Liang Joshua1211AUS 64w1 57b1 3w½ 13b½ 37w1 9b0 33w152027,517,75
11Huang Yuan1187NSW 73w1 56b0 58w1 52b1 27w1 3b0 20w15162214,50
12Shanley Luke1157AUS 68b1 44w1 1w0 20b1 28w1 4b½ 6b04,522,531,516,25
13Lee Thiam Woon1278AUS 53b1 50w1 56b1 10w½ 22b1 1w0 5b04,520,53015,00
14Zhou Joe1261AUS 51w1 5b½ 21w0 39b1 18w1 34b1 7w04,520,52917,25
15Hadikusumo Elijah1192AUS 62w1 21b½ 22w0 40b1 24w1 35b1 4w04,518,526,515,25
16Stokes Mark C1433AUS 48w1 5b0 36w1 34b0 57w1 27b14,517,525,514,75
17Clark Peter1338AUS 61w1 23b0 55w1 22b0 30w½ 58b1 34w14,51723,513,50
18Li Jeremy1054AUS 40b½ 72w1 34b0 57w1 14b0 56w1 37b14,515,521,511,75
19Zhang Xiaoyao1024VIC 76b1 6w0 65b0 53w1 56b½ 59w1 35w14,5142010,75
20Fuller Jack0ACT 36b1 2w1 7b0 12w0 29b1 38w1 11b0422,53217,00
21Jain Rohan787AUS 77w+ 15w½ 14b1 7w0 42b1 6w0 25b½42230,515,00
22Richards Matthew0ACT 29b1 42w½ 15b1 17w1 13w0 7b0 23w½421,53016,50
23Lane Jasmine1094AUS 35b1 17w1 6b0 48w1 8b0 37w½ 22b½420,52914,75
24Di Elvin772NSW 4w0 43b1 32w1 25b½ 15b0 39w½ 47b142028,514,50
25Amoore Connor1190AUS 67b1 3w- 30w1 24w½ 5b0 43b1 21w½419,52713,25
26Merugu Rudransh1041AUS 75w1 1b0 51w1 27b0 52w1 41b1 8w0418,526,510,50
27Rapisarda Rowan0NSW 34w0 64b1 50b1 26w1 11b0 49w1 16w04182613,00
28Sweeney Matthew1243AUS 65b1 60w1 8b0 56w1 12b0 5w0 53b1417,525,510,50
29Devlin Brian925AUS 22w0 69b1 31w1 41b0 20w0 51b1 48w1417,523,512,00
30Lu Qingnan791VIC 54w1 47b0 25b0 70w1 17b½ 42w1 38b½41622,511,00
31Parker Lucas0VIC 50b0 53w1 29b0 60w1 36b0 65w1 49b141521,511,00
32Tracey Michael J1176AUS 71b1 8w0 24b0 66b1 58w½ 36w½ 54b1414219,00
33Yendluri Rithvik Chowdary826AUS 72b½ 40w½ 48b0 67w1 54b1 47w1 10b0413,5209,50
34Woon Ella928NSW 27b1 18w1 9b0 16w1 14w0 17b03,5223115,00
35Abhayaratna James0ACT 23w0 61b1 49w1 46b1 15w0 19b03,519,52711,75
36Mason Kynan1004AUS 20w0 73b1 40w½ 16b0 31w1 32b½ 41w½3,51924,510,50
37Li Ethan847AUS 8b0 71w1 54b1 47w1 10b0 23b½ 18w03,518,525,59,00
38Ozernov Jonathan1083AUS 43w1 4b0 52w0 51b1 65w1 20b0 30w½3,517,525,511,00
39Carruthers Ethan1021NSW 63w½ 9b0 44b1 14w0 62w½ 24b½ 59b13,51724,510,50
40Bryant Sam0ACT 18w½ 33b½ 36b½ 15w0 57b0 67w1 56b13,51723,510,50
41Warne Kendal0NSW 57b0 59w1 60b1 29w1 2b0 26w0 36b½3,516,52510,75
42Marks Joe1141AUS 74w1 22b½ 9w0 63b1 21w0 30b0 64w+3,516,522,58,00
43Arunachalam Annamalai0ACT 38b0 24w0 59b½ 72w1 50b1 25w0 60b13,515,521,58,25
44Xu Kevin0NSW 55w1 12b0 39w0 58b0 67b1 50w½ 57b13,51420,58,50
45Gebert Daniel0ACT 5w0 51b0 73w- 68w1 66b1 58w13,51320,57,75
46Yun Hyeonggeun1492AUS 56w0 62b1 57w½ 35w0 59b0 63b1 61w13,513199,25
47Woollard Kelvin1203AUS 59b1 30w1 4w0 37b0 55w1 33b0 24w0318269,00
48Zuo Hu0VIC 58w1 16b0 33w1 23b0 49w0 52b1 29b0318259,50
49Gyalpo Padma Yonten1007ACT 3b0 67w1 35b0 64w1 48b1 27b0 31w0317,524,58,00
50Mason Daniel946AUS 31w1 13b0 27w0 62b½ 43w0 44b½ 71w1317,5249,00
51Warne Leonardo741NSW 14b0 45w1 26b0 38w0 70b1 29w0 68b1317,5248,00
52Horikawa Tomoki759AUS 6b0 76w1 38b1 11w0 26b0 48w0 70b1317,523,56,00
53Tong Max752AUS 13w0 31b0 69w1 19b0 74w1 62b1 28w031722,55,50
54Zhang Jason0QLD 30b0 -1 37w0 61b+ 33w0 55b1 32w0316,5237,50
55Sheth Adidev792AUS 44b0 68w1 17b0 73w1 47b0 54w0 65b+312,5185,00
56Annamalai Akshay775AUS 46b1 11w1 13w0 28b0 19w½ 18b0 40w02,52129,510,75
57Spencer Daniel810ACT 41w1 10w0 46b½ 18b0 40w1 16b0 44w02,519,5288,75
58Zhou Emma788AUS 48b0 74w1 11b0 44w1 32b½ 17w0 45b02,519256,50
59Lyu Mark609NSW 47w0 41b0 43w½ 69b1 46w1 19b0 39w02,51723,57,25
60Vagh Riyan842AUS 70w1 28b0 41w0 31b0 63w1 64b½ 43w02,516,522,56,00
61Vimal Kiruba770AUS 17b0 35w0 68b1 54w- 73w1 46b02,51520,54,25
62Marasinghe Claire579VIC 15b0 46w0 76b1 50w½ 39b½ 53w0 66b½2,515204,75
63Comber Bobby0NSW 39b½ 7w0 72b1 42w0 60b0 46w0 73b12,51420,54,25
64Nimbagiri Vidvath677NSW 10b0 27w0 74b1 49b0 75w1 60w½ 42b-2,514203,25
65Shen-Zhao Michael717ACT 28w0 70b1 19w1 2w0 38b0 31b0 55w-219276,50
66Chen Taiming764AUS 1w0 75b1 2b0 32w0 73b½ 45w0 62w½217,525,52,75
67Shu John570NSW 25w0 49b0 75w1 33b0 44w0 40b0 74w121520,52,00
68Choi James327NSW 12w0 55b0 61w0 45b0 69w1 75b1 51w0214,5203,00
69Zhang Kaylin401VIC 2b0 29w0 53b0 59w0 68b0 72w1 76b121319,52,00
70Shen-Zhao Lucas0ACT 60b0 65w0 71b1 30b0 51w0 74b1 52w0213183,00
71Zuo Sarah403VIC 32w0 37b0 70w0 75b0 72b1 76w1 50b021115,52,00
72Veitch Hayden0NSW 33w½ 18b0 63w0 43b0 71w0 69b0 75w11,51419,53,00
73Tang Spencer559NSW 11b0 36w0 45b+ 55b0 66w½ 61b0 63w01,513,520,53,00
74Anup Kumar Sia121NSW 42b0 58b0 64w0 76w1 53b0 70w0 67b0112,5160,50
75Chang Yen-Tzu0NSW 26b0 66w0 67b0 71w1 64b0 68w0 72b011116,52,00
76Choi Jemya0NSW 19w0 52b0 62w0 74b0 -1 71b0 69w0110,5161,00
77Zhou Martin1625NZL 21b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0012,517,50,00

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable