XI Obert d'Escacs Calculin - GRUP VERD

Organizer(s)Coral Colon Sabadell
FederationCatalonia ( CAT )
Tournament directorSílvia Pérez Moreno (94733627)
Chief ArbiterSergio Martínez Pérez (AC-32042000)
Time control (Standard)30'+ 30'' / jugada
Number of rounds7
Tournament typeSwiss-System
Rating calculationRating national
Date2024/04/20 to 2024/05/11
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 07.05.2024 22:36:55, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Martinez Perez

Tournament selectionGroc, Groc Off, Groc Off ràpides, Blau, Blau Off, Verd, Verd Off
Parameters No tournament details, Link with tournament calendar
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 6, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6, Rd.7/7 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3, Rd.4, Rd.5, Rd.6
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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Higueras Higueras-Gutowska Pablo1598 -0 -0 50b1 36w1 32b1 23b1 2w4130416,5
2Costache Stefan1564 28b1 20w1 15b1 7w½ 3b0 19w1 1b4,540424,5
3Prat Sole Max1553 29w1 19b1 17w1 4b½ 2w1 37b1 10w5,510,5526
4Santos Soro Abel1540 30b1 24w1 23b1 3w½ 10b1 7w1 15b5,520,5522
5Casas Giner Ona1526 31w1 23b0 10w0 33b0 41w0 45b1 36b2370217,5
6Fernandez Escabia Eloi1516 32b1 26w1 27b1 10w0 7b0 39w1 34b4110419
7Sarkar Cuadrado Nil1515 33w1 25b+ 39b1 2b½ 6w1 4b0 17w4,550423
8Espasa Uriostegui Mateu Nicolau1512 34b0 36w1 32b1 25w½ 15b0 27w1 19b3,5170319,5
9Magdaleno Recuenco Izan1496 35w+ 27b0 34w0 40w0 42b0 47w0 22b1460117,5
10Porta Lara Xavier1496 36b1 34w½ 5b1 6b1 4w0 24w1 3b4,560421
11Satorra Espert Genis1492 37w1 39b0 29w1 43b1 34w1 15w0 40b480423,5
12Armengol Maynou Aleix1484 -1 17b0 33w1 24b½ 43w0 34b0 31w2,5290220,5
13Poch Alvarez Eric1484 38b+ 41b1 43w½ 34b½ -0 40w0 24b3260222
14Sacristan Sanchez Jan Zhuo1484 39w0 43b0 -0 -0 49w0 -1 45b1470113
15Badia Berthelot Leo1468 40b1 46w1 2w0 26b1 8w1 11b1 4w530523
16Pery Rotchild Shun1468 41w- -0 36b0 48w0 45b- -0 -00510013,5
17Kuznetsov Aleksandre1450 42b1 12w1 3b0 27w½ 25b1 43w1 7b4,570419
18Sola Cabrera Ivet1444 43w0 33b0 38w1 39w0 46b0 49b1 32w2380217,5
19Sastre Colil Jordi1430 44b1 3w0 40b1 28w½ 27b1 2b0 8w3,5150323
20Hernandez Colomer Miquel1418 45w1 2b0 37w0 47b1 33w1 29b0 41w3220319
21Tartarashvili Aleksandre1416 46b0 40w0 44b0 45w1 47w1 28b0 42b2360218
22Armendariz Moreno Cristian1408 47w0 37b0 42w0 -1 44b0 51w½ 9w1,5440,5114,5
23Duran Sallan Pau1405 48b1 5w1 4w0 37b0 50b1 1w0 39b3200321
24Pourjahangiri Pilehrood Kourosh1402 49w1 4b0 46w+ 12w½ 28b1 10b0 13w3,5160320
25Gonzalez Marin Daniel1401 50b1 7w- 48w1 8b½ 17w0 44w½ 46b3270219,5
26Hinojosa Loriente Pol1399 51w1 6b0 47b1 15w0 -0 -0 48b2340220
27Toualla Dahaoui Saber1398 52b1 9w1 6w0 17b½ 19w0 8b0 50w2,5320217
28Veiga Martinez Emilio1394 2w0 42b1 52w1 19b½ 24w0 21w1 43b3,5190316
29Calderon Tocino Jone1392 3b0 44w1 11b0 42w1 48b1 20w1 37b4100419,5
30Cabrera Obiols Bernat1391 4w0 48b0 45b1 50w0 51b1 46w0 52b2400217
31Fuentes Cano Pol1388 5b0 50w0 51b1 44w½ 40b0 42w1 12b2,5330215,5
32Movilla Garcia Marti1386 6w0 49b1 8w0 52b1 1w0 41b0 18b2350219
33Davi Oudeville Biel1375 7b0 18w1 12b0 5w1 20b0 48w1 44b3250315
34Selva Casals Lluc1375 8w1 10b½ 9b1 13w½ 11b0 12w1 6w4140317,5
35Cordoba Jimenez Adrian1364 9b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00520013,5
36Gil Tur Biel1360 10w0 8b0 16w1 1b0 52w1 50b½ 5w2,5300218,5
37Pascuas Trujillo Daniel1351 11b0 22w1 20b1 23w1 39b1 3w0 29w490419,5
38Pery Rotchild Rio1348 13w- -0 18b0 51w0 -1 52b- -01480113
39Zamora Gorrea Biel1344 14b1 11w1 7w0 18b1 37w0 6b0 23w3210319,5
40Vidigal Garcia Oliver1335 15w0 21b1 19w0 9b1 31w1 13b1 11w4120416,5
41Iglesias Pau Gael1329 16b+ 13w0 -0 -0 5b1 32w1 20b3240316
42Roas Correa Hector1328 17w0 28w0 22b1 29b0 9w1 31b0 21w2410216
43Tornay Araujo Laura1307 18b1 14w1 13b½ 11w0 12b1 17b0 28w3,5180317
44Gaspar De Valenzuela Tost Gonzalo1300 19w0 29b0 21w1 31b½ 22w1 25b½ 33w3280216,5
45Aisa Fuster Hugo1290 20b0 -0 30w0 21b0 16w+ 5w0 14w1500112,5
46Orozco Sierra Miguel Angel1287 21w1 15b0 24b- -0 18w1 30b1 25w3230317,5
47Casas Diaz Marc1263 22b1 -0 26w0 20w0 21b0 9b1 -02420213,5
48Alvarez Garcia Adria1237 23w0 30w1 25b0 16b1 29w0 33b0 26w2390217,5
49Gaspar De Valenzuela Tost Javier1179 24b0 32w0 -0 -0 14b1 18w0 -01490113
50Jimenez Hernandez Eric1150 25w0 31b1 1w0 30b1 23w0 36w½ 27b2,5310218,5
51Casas Diaz Daniel1109 26b0 -0 31w0 38b1 30w0 22b½ -01,5450,5113,5
52Briega Mira Miquel1095 27w0 -1 28b0 32w0 36b0 38w+ 30w2430213,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)