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Campeonato Regional Veteranos 2024

Seinast dagført28.03.2024 20:34:45, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERAÇÃO CABO-VERDIANA DE XADREZ

Search for player Leita


1Mões, Carlos1928104CPV1683C.S. Mindelense
2Silva, Victor23600411CPV1670G.D. Amarante
3Fonseca, Arlindo23600187CPV1644G.D. Amarante
4Lopes, Victor Manuel23602112CPV1618G.D. Amarante
5Andrade, Manuel Germano23600438CPV1556G.D. Amarante
6Silveira, Platão23601027CPV1533G.D. Amarante
7Castro, Dionisio23601906CPV1515G.D. Amarante
8Lima, José Calazans23600268CPV1462G.D. Amarante