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Western Cape Inter Region Cup 2024 U14 Boys

Last update 24.03.2024 15:34:54, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1Meyer, MatthewRSA1628Cape Town
2Roberts, Iwan14386879RSA1567Edeb
3Robertson, JonahRSA1529Cape Winelands
4Tieties, Beauton14386887RSA1521West Coast
5Schmidt, UlrichRSA1519Eden
6Prinsloo, Lyle14360411RSA1512Overberg
7Devine, Cody14359561RSA1498Cape Town
8Maruma, Kamogelo14378752RSA1455Cape Town
9Small, Quade14381354RSA1438Cape Winelands
10Ngidi, NdumisoRSA1434Cape Town
11Bulani, Milani14359502RSA1422Cape Town
12Malherbe, JeevanRSA1351Cape Winelands
13Greeff, GiteauRSA1341West Coast
14Willemse, SchalkRSA1323West Coast
15Siebritz, Yul14369788RSA1292West Coast
16Wehr, CorbinRSA1284West Coast
17Vanana, Libongile14381389RSA1268Cape Winelands
18Viljoen, PieterRSA1265Overberg
19Foye, LoganRSA1256Overberg
20Smal, RileyRSA1248Overberg