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2024 Lubowski Open Chess Tournament D1 Section

Last update 24.03.2024 12:58:17, Creator/Last Upload: Renè Pienaar (de Beer)

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Starting rank

1Smith, EduanRSA1463
2Ribbens, Reuben14375389RSA1460
3Baloyi, Boikanyo14362503RSA1444
4Mkotong, Reagile14371650RSA1423
5Jacobs, Johannes Jacobus14379708RSA1404
6Grahan, Tylo14379287RSA1392
7Kekana, Neo14362449RSA1369
8Du Toit, ColensoRSA1367
9Fokker, Christiaan14379260RSA1366
10Truscott, Ane14379554RSA1359
11Yang, Selina14371987RSA1358
12Janse Van Rensburg, Gerrit14389339RSA1345
13Pretorius, Pieter14379414RSA1341
14Sepale, Mameno14389380RSA1335
15Jansen van Vuuren, Gianni14379317RSA1333
16Shoko, John14380129RSA1331
17Truscott, Adriaan14379546RSA1324
18Raubenheimer, CharnéRSA1303
19Madiba, Kutlwano14379740RSA1299
20Musiiwa, TatendaRSA1288
21Snyman, Jacques14379481RSA1285
22Msimango, Moremi14382962RSA1282
23Seloana, KamogeloRSA1279
24Botha, Logan14373734RSA1274
25Reddy, Kashen14351587RSA1273
26Nkwadi, Karabo14362414RSA1272
27Nkogatse, Phafane14372827RSA1265
28Legwale, Lesedi14376857RSA1262
29Van der Merwe, Altus14341042RSA1261
30Pillay, Verana14372070RSA1258
31Le Roux, JohannesRSA1256
32Van Rooyen, Dandre14379589RSA1253
33Grahan, Chie-Ann14362295RSA1245
34Anderson, GideonRSA1243
35Raath, EmmaRSA1226
36Bogaard, Anneke14379163RSA1216
37Viljoen, Amber14346621RSA1216
38Badenhorst, Michael14375761RSA1210
39Jansen Van Vuuren, Joshua14342570RSA1204
40Scheepers, Tristian14379430RSA1201
41Von Gruenewaldt, AlexanderRSA1200
42Moshoma, Paballo14372797RSA1185