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1st Knights Open Tournament - Section C

Last update 26.03.2024 12:50:09, Creator/Last Upload: Clive Mthunzi

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Starting rank

1Ambrose, IsabellaRSA1447
2Crowie, AllegraRSA1445
3Mlilo, SibongisiweRSA1428
4Zulu, ThandoluhleRSA1406
5Waring, CaydenceRSA1393
6Elvin, AndrewRSA1387
7Mann, LeaneRSA1387
8Botha, AndreaRSA1358
9Mkhasibe, NobuhleRSA1357
10Kwak, JaesonRSA1340
11Waring, GabrielRSA1336
12Chadalavada, BhaarghavaramaRSA1314
13Hu-Grobbelaar, LaluRSA1311
14Bijker, XanderRSA1275
15O'brien, SethRSA1268
16Mohlala, TshepangRSA1264
17Zhao, HaomingRSA1261
18Motsamai, Ontlametse BokaRSA1260
19Vorster, MeghanRSA1258
20Nemusombori, Livhuwani NathanRSA1246
21Pretorius, AndreiRSA1243
22Deng, JinyuanRSA1224
23Sechaba, AbongileRSA1220
24Mthimunye, SammyRSA1200
25Steele, SangwaniRSA1200
26Sun, NolanRSA1200
27Jacob, AbishaiRSA1179
28Miao, RuichenRSA1162
29Chauke, NosiphoRSA1138
30Coulter, JamieRSA0
31Coulter, JaredRSA0
32Mabala, LindoRSA0
33Mtshweni, LungeloRSA0
34Nketshane, NjabuloRSA0
35Philips, LiyandaRSA0
36Seshabhatter, Lalith AdityaRSA0