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The Dublin International 65+ 2024

Senast uppdaterad01.04.2024 19:48:29, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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1Doyle, Anthony2500329IRL2035
2Morriss, Pete2500230IRL1957
3CMMacElligott, Gerard2500647IRL1954
4CMHarding, Tim25002561931
5Keogh, Eamon2500264IRL1912
6Murray, Jim25014901898
7Salter, David2501988IRL1886
8McMahon, Frank2503395IRL1869
9Reynolds, Pat2501392IRL1866
10Lohan, Martin2512726IRL1861
11Donohoe, Eugene2502445IRL1740
12O'Sullivan, Tom25043751734
13Lynch, Peter J.2501252IRL1730
14Bjarnason, Larus H.2304848ISL1699
15Maher, John2501279IRL1693
16Fitzpatrick, Kevin2505886IRL1667
17Reinhardt, Sean2518961IRL1651
18Scott, Shay2504413IRL1627
19Dempsey, Denis2502437IRL1625
20Dimitrov, Nikolai2511649IRL1623
21Gudjonsson, Larus Solberg2329344ISL1549