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The Dublin International 40+ 2024

Last update 01.04.2024 20:10:45, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank

1FMDelaney, John2500060IRL2186
2Aherne, John P.2501805IRL1896
3Buckley, Gerard25032391835
4Novak, Vjekoslav14511584IRL1833
5Kellett, Paul430030ENG1830
6Armstrong, Fred2502089IRL1803
7Loughran, John2501562IRL1783
8Jensson, Erlingur2303019ISL1759
9Adalsteinsson, Hermann2300591ISL1729
10Mirza, Gabriel2503093IRL1719
11Nowak, Krzysztof2525950IRL1714
12Murphy, Cathal20843091673
13Dimitrov, Nikolai2511649IRL1623
14Barry, Kieran2521580IRL1593
15McMahon, Conor2526816IRL1489
16Liu, Jackie2519844IRL992
17Lawless, Trish2518244IRL485
18Petrenko, Yuriy34163301IRL0