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4º torneio 4º F escola Vila Cha

Last update 15.04.2024 18:31:57, Creator/Last Upload: Portuguese Chess Federation (Licence 30)

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Starting rank

1Aida Joaquim,POR0
2André Coutinho,POR0
3Andre Louro,POR0
4Cristiano Ciobanu,POR0
5Diogo Borja,POR0
6Edmara Paiva,POR0
7Gabriel Almeida,POR0
8Gabriel Pereira,POR0
9Gabriela Cruz,POR0
10Ines Jeronimo,POR0
11Jéssica Silva,POR0
12Joana Ribeiro Lopes,POR0
13Joao Silva,POR0
14leticia Jesus,POR0
15Maicon Martins,POR0
16Maria Ribeiro,POR0
17Olivia Sofia,POR0
18Rayhane Caculo,POR0
19Ricardo Silva,POR0
20Rita Jerónimo,POR0
21beatriz santana,POR0