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Scottish Girls Championships - Primary

Last update 16.03.2024 18:16:23, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1Madhu, Shruti2414902SCO920ER
2Vadalia, Vihaa2413949SCO803PO
3Bhattacharjee, Nilakshi2413868SCO793ER
4Ghatkar, Aaratrika2414619SCO793LZ
5Munshi, Anika2410982SCO766PO
6Al Dakl Alla, Maria2410834SCO664LZ
7Othieno, CaitlynSCO508
8Malpure, Anaya2412950SCO437SM
9Gaikwad, Netra2413973SCO239LZ
10Gaikwad, Reina2413981SCO206LZ
11Rajasekar, ArstheaSCO191
12Theodoratou Korakakis, Rea2415275SCO140EA
13Harper-wang , AomiSCO0
14Mukherjee, MiaraSCO0
15Wallden, Antoinetta2415240SCO0ER