Taulers 1-3 Sala d'escacs del Foment
Taulers 4-26 Sala d'actes de l'Institut Caterina Albert (entrada c/ Rogent)

XXIV Obert Internacional Foment Martinenc Grup B - IX Memorial Josep Paredes

Last update 07.05.2024 21:23:37, Creator/Last Upload: Patricia Llaneza Vega

Tournament selectionGrup A, Grup B, Grup C
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link with tournament calendar
Parameters Show tournament details
Overview for teamBAN, ESP, GEO, RUS, VEN
ListsStarting rank, Alphabetical list, Statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Playing schedule
Ranking crosstable after Round 3, Starting rank crosstable
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3/9 , not paired
Ranking list afterRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3
GamesThere are 77 games available for download
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Ranking crosstable after Round 3

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Jerez Soriano AntonioESP 26w1 12b1 10w1345,56
2Garcia Garrido EnricESP 35w1 33b1 8w133,556
3Argente Cuerda JordiESP 34w1 24b1 9w133,54,56
4Cantero Walter MilciadesESP 51b1 25w1 23b1333,56
5Palacios Pena GerardoESP 29b1 17w1 6b½2,54,565,5
6Jimenez Haneda NaokiESP 41w1 15b1 5w½2,54,55,55,5
7Camacho Alvarez PabloESP 54b1 11w½ 27b12,533,55
8Perez Carreras DavidESP 21b1 39w1 2b02565
9Campoy Prades MarcESP 30b1 28w1 3b024,55,55
Esteban Cahua MoisesESP 37b1 20w1 1b024,55,55
11Roca Llorca JosepESP 40w+ 7b½ 14w½24,55,54,5
12Gonzalez Muelas Marco AntonioESP 53b1 1w0 40b124,54,54
13Bosch Garcia IvanESP 52w+ 38w1 -02455
14Garcia Corpas NicolasESP 19b½ 31w1 11b½23,554
15Vardanyan Asilbekyan AniESP 48b1 6w0 38b123,54,54
Garcia Punzano Josep LluisESP 36w1 -0 37b123,54,54
Alberti Carrasco PauESP 43w1 5b0 36w123,54,54
18Tornay Araujo MarcESP 45b1 23w½ 28b½2344,5
19Rius Colomer Lluis AlbertESP 14w½ 49b½ 34w12343,5
20Torres Julian MarcESP 57w1 10b0 33w+2334
21Martinez Lopez RamonESP 8w0 55b1 42w12333
22Guiu Ruiz LlucESP 23b0 46w1 39b122,53,53
23Bertran Milia EduardESP 22w1 18b½ 4w01,5574
24Jimenez Sanchez JoanESP 58b1 3w0 30b½1,54,553,5
25Aparicio Escudero Hector F.ESP 56w1 4b0 26w½1,54,54,53,5
26Ruiz Saez Josep MariaESP 1b0 53w1 25b½1,54,54,52,5
27Garcia Huerta Joaquin MarcESP 32w1 42b½ 7w01,5454
28Alesina Nunez Joan CarlesESP 47b+ 9b0 18w½1,5453,5
29Celorrio Capelleras GabrielESP 5w0 41b1 32w½1,5452,5
30Guzman Lopez LeonardoESP 9w0 44b1 24w½1,53,552,5
31Rodriguez Batuecas JordiESP 42w½ 14b0 43w11,5342,5
32Rigol Martinez AxelESP 27b0 52w1 29b½1,533,52,5
33Gonzalez Muelas JavierESP 46b1 2w0 20b-1563
34Sanchez Miguel JaumeESP 3b0 58w1 19b0155,52
Amat Davins BielESP 2b0 51w1 -0155,52
36Liebana Franco IkerESP 16b0 47w1 17b014,562
37De Blois Afanasiyadi NatashaESP 10w0 57b1 16w014,54,52
38Sanchez Coves Joan JosepESP 49w1 13b0 15w01453
39Paul Pardinas Jose MariaESP 55w1 8b0 22w01443
40Vilarasau Garrido JoanESP 11b- 56b1 12w01442
41Toscano Gaviria MateoESP 6b0 29w0 56w11441
42Olvera Anton AlejandroESP 31b½ 27w½ 21b013,552,5
43Rodrigo Yuste Jose AntonioESP 17b0 54w1 31b013,542
44Sanchez Valencia AlbertoESP -0 30w0 52b113,541
45Zmorzynski JulianESP 18w0 -0 53b113,53,51
Bazan Vazquez MartinESP 33w0 22b0 57w113,53,51
47Agadzhanian VladimirESP 28w- 36b0 55w11331
48Fernandez Cazorla JanESP 15w0 -0 50b½0,53,550,5
49Turuguet Lopez Josep LluisESP 38b0 19w½ -00,53,54,51
50Barbera Romero CarlesESP -0 -0 48w½0,53,54,50,5
51Perez Canigueral PauESP 4w0 35b0 -004,55,50
52Pujol Zoilo EudaldESP 13b- 32b0 44w003,550
Agadzhanyan SonyaRUS 12w0 26b0 45w003,550
54Carbones Llobet JosepESP 7w0 43b0 -003,54,50
Silva Cerda Arnau AlonsoESP 39b0 21w0 47b003,54,50
56Gibert Juan RamonESP 25b0 40w0 41b00340
57Suarez Garcia MarioESP 20b0 37w0 46b002,53,50
Lopera Larrea IzanESP 24w0 34b0 -002,53,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break