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St Albans Silver Rook Qualifier 3

Last update 11.03.2024 23:28:15, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Final Ranking crosstable after 4 Rounds

1Sommerbauer-Cornell Ben1967ENG 20b1 14w1 4b1 3w14
2Ellis Aidan B2025ENG 16w1 10b½ 12w½ 5b13
Willmott Neil D1935ENG 25b1 12b1 11w1 1b03
Gemmell John1923ENG 23w1 7b1 1w0 17b13
Serrano Jose1705ENG 21b1 9w1 8b1 2w03
Bala Ashan1654ENG 7w0 23b1 13w1 16b13
7Robinson Adam1987ENG 6b1 4w0 20b1 9w½2,5
Vitvitskyi Oleksandr1985ENG 17w1 13b1 5w0 11b½2,5
Grant Stephen1945ENG 22w1 5b0 10w1 7b½2,5
Manghiuc Bogdan A1915ROU 26b1 2w½ 9b0 19w12,5
Magee Sean1302ENG 18b1 15w1 3b0 8w½2,5
12Fraser-Mitchell Jeremy N2088ENG 15b1 3w0 2b½ 18w½2
Millar Stephen1779ENG 24b1 8w0 6b0 20w12
Kortekaas Matt1766ENG 19w1 1b0 17w0 21b12
Mosley Noah1699ENG 12w0 11b0 23w1 22b12
Baguley John1670ENG 2b0 25w1 18b1 6w02
Pines Chris1615ENG 8b0 26w1 14b1 4w02
18Hotala Grzegorz1779ENG 11w0 22b1 16w0 12b½1,5
Ben-Eshak Djad989ENG 14b0 21w1 25b½ 10b01,5
20Taylor Stephen A1534ENG 1w0 24b1 7w0 13b01
Calvia Luca1521ENG 5w0 19b0 24w1 14w01
Wicks Ben1487ENG 9b0 18w0 26b1 15w01
Douse Terry1458ENG 4b0 6w0 15b0 25w11
Moore Maurice1215ENG 13w0 20w0 21b0 26w11
25Deland Stephen1477ENG 3w0 16b0 19w½ 23b00,5
26Syske Adrian1326ENG 10w0 17b0 22w0 24b00