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Memorialul Paul Segheato, ed. VIII Duminica 17 martie 2024, ora 14.00

Last update 17.03.2024 17:51:08, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 58)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMCnejev Vladimir-Alexandru2221ROU 53w+ 13b½ 12w1 11b1 10w1 5w1 2b½63224,0024,5
2IMVasilescu Lucian-Mihail2022ROU 33w1 32b1 22w1 7b½ 4w½ 8b1 1w½5,530,522,7524
3ITanasie Cosmin2014ROU 30b1 29w1 5b0 24w½ 27b1 11w1 6b15,528,521,7521
4CMCraciun Sasha-Matei2062ROU 19b0 45w1 20b1 17w1 2b½ 22w1 12b15,527,520,7519,5
5CMCoicev Matei-Andrei2126ROU 26w1 28b1 3w1 6b1 7w½ 1b0 10w½53322,5024
6IOlteanu Sebastian1922ROU 36w1 9b1 8w1 5w0 16b1 7b1 3w0532,522,0023
7IMCosma Ioan2224ROU 21b1 17w1 27b1 2w½ 5b½ 6w0 18b153120,7522,5
8WCMIordache Alexia-Andreea2029ROU 20b1 24w1 6b0 29w1 18b1 2w0 23b152918,5021
9IMDumitrache Dragos-Nicolae2134ROU 34b1 6w0 25b1 10w0 19b1 26w1 17b152818,0018
10IToma Iustin1992ROU 42w1 50b1 11w½ 9b1 1b0 23w1 5b½52616,2522
11INegrean Andrei2114ROU 25b1 35w1 10b½ 1w0 13w1 3b0 24b14,530,517,0019,5
12NMZaim Marian1915ROU 38b1 23w½ 1b0 30w1 24b1 16w1 4w04,528,515,7519
13IIustin Silviu1966ROU 45b1 1w½ 16b½ 15w1 11b0 25w½ 29b14,527,516,7518,5
14Vardanian Yurii1882UKR 41b1 16w½ 23b½ 27w½ 17b0 30w1 25b14,524,515,0017,5
15IArdeleanu Vlad1188ROU 31w0 43b1 26w1 13b0 34b1 29w½ 22b14,523,513,7516
16IMBerechet Otiliu-Octavian2032ROU 18w1 14b½ 13w½ 32b1 6w0 12b0 34w1428,514,5017,5
17IGhita Vlad-Bogdan1951ROU 39w1 7b0 49w1 4b0 14w1 33b1 9w0427,511,5017
18IIDavid Alexandru1737ROU 16b0 41w1 35b1 31w1 8w0 32b1 7w042612,0017
19IIBadescu Matei-Andrei1738ROU 4w1 22b0 28w0 50b1 9w0 37b1 35b142412,5014
20IPandelescu Maria-Catalina1713ROU 8w0 51b1 4w0 47b1 26w0 44b1 32w1421,58,0013
21IIGrigoras Alexandru-Nicolae1826ROU 7w0 42b0 47w1 44b0 36w1 43b1 33w1418,510,0011
22IBarbu Simon-Alexandru1995ROU 40b1 19w1 2b0 34w1 23b½ 4b0 15w03,528,511,2518,5
23WGMCosma Elena-Luminita2074ROU 49w1 12b½ 14w½ 28b1 22w½ 10b0 8w03,528,511,2518
24IDanila Tudor-Gabriel1865ROU 48w1 8b0 33w1 3b½ 12w0 31b1 11w03,527,511,2516
25ICojocaru Filip1795ROU 11w0 36b1 9w0 42b1 28w1 13b½ 14w03,52710,7514
26CMCernea Radu-Gheorghe1810ROU 5b0 37w1 15b0 46w1 20b1 9b0 28w½3,52710,7513,5
27CMPopescu Daniel-Vasilica1997ROU 43w1 31b1 7w0 14b½ 3w0 28b0 40w13,526,510,2516
28IBusuioc Stelian-Marian1945ROU 37b1 5w0 19b1 23w0 25b0 27w1 26b½3,52612,2514,5
29IISirghi Timotei1826ROU 47w1 3b0 42w1 8b0 44w1 15b½ 13w03,5258,2516
30IMoroianu George1666ROU 3w0 48b1 31w½ 12b0 49w1 14b0 39w13,5247,7512,5
31CMNastase Stefan1826ROU 15b1 27w0 30b½ 18b0 40w1 24w0 43b13,523,510,7513,5
32CMNicolescu Ilie1849ROU 44b1 2w0 46b1 16w0 37b1 18w0 20b03247,0015
33IFrent-Lung Gheorghe1701ROU 2b0 44w1 24b0 45w1 35b1 17w0 21b0323,57,0013
34CMChiricuta Ion1811ROU 9w0 39b1 50w1 22b0 15w0 45b1 16b0321,55,5013
35Arrebola Diogo Ramos Da Costa1888BRA 51w1 11b0 18w0 43b1 33w0 46b1 19w0320,55,0013
36IIRobescu Andrei-Georgian1540ROU 6b0 25w0 40b0 41w1 21b0 50w1 46w13205,507
37IITintea Bogdan-Alexandru1544ROU 28w0 26b0 48w1 39b1 32w0 19w0 42b1319,56,5010
38IISpirache Catalin1536ROU 12w0 49b0 43w0 51b1 42w1 39b0 45w13165,008
39FCCioroianu Ivo1587ROU 17b0 34w0 41b½ 37w0 -1 38w1 30b02,520,57,757,5
40IICraciun Dorian-Raul1618ROU 22w0 47b0 36w1 49b½ 31b0 41w1 27b02,520,56,259
41FCAichimoaie Alexandru1517ROU 14w0 18b0 39w½ 36b0 51w1 40b0 44w12,518,54,256,5
42IIBadescu Eliza-Ioana1618ROU 10b0 21w1 29b0 25w0 38b0 48w1 37w0223,56,008
43IIMoisescu Ciprian-Alexandru1620ROU 27b0 15w0 38b1 35w0 48b1 21w0 31w02235,008
44FCOncescu Daris-Ion-Nicolas1416ROU 32w0 33b0 -1 21w1 29b0 20w0 41b02227,509
45IIBarosan Dragos-Laurentiu1606ROU 13w0 4b0 51w1 33b0 47w1 34w0 38b02223,008
46CMCovaci Stefan1670ROU 32w0 26b0 50w1 35w0 36b02204,509,5
47FCParaschiv Marian1001ROU 29b0 40w1 21b0 20w0 45b0 51w0 50b1217,53,507
48IISilaghi Matias-Radu1460ROU 24b0 30w0 37b0 -1 43w0 42b0 51b1216,54,505
49CMLazarean Colea-Valentin1753ROU 23b0 38w1 17b0 40w½ 30b0 -0 -01,5224,258
50IIOprea Cosmin-Dumitru1407ROU 52b+ 10w0 34b0 19w0 46b0 36b0 47w01220,007
51IIStoica Melina-Theodora1524ROU 35b0 20w0 45b0 38w0 41b0 47b1 48w01182,002
52IRadulescu Gabriel1828ROU 50w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0017,50,000
IMartis Octavian-Mihai1815ROU 1b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0017,50,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break