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The Dublin Junior Championships 2024 U16

Last update 03.03.2024 17:17:41, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Starting rank

1McDermott, Malo19582IRL1760
2Braine, Harry18791IRL1508
3Nelson***, JacobIRL1388
4Doolin, Nemhain19345IRL1328
5Lorigan, Maxim19538IRL1191
6Spence, Beckett20242IRL1140
7Faustino Lawlor, Elias19268IRL1101
8Cummins, Finn20771IRL944
9O'Rourke***, AlexIRL943
10Negru-Rusen, Tudor20045839
11Kennedy, John21431771
12Alkhadem, Ghiath20588706
13Conroy, Eoghan19898IRL629
14Panunzio, Jacopo18411IRL434
15Panopio, Jhimwell21028400
16Boland, Aidan215170
17Serrano, Alberto215590
18O'Reilly, Cian214560
19Daly, Mati212810
20Andronic, Melissa215160
21Furey, Oisin Jones214640
22Pesca, Sean215470