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Wimbledon Congress 202407 U2000

Last update 20.07.2024 19:09:53, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1Tambini, Jasper418030ENG1986
2Pereslavtsev, Alexandr343401449ENG1939
3Soulier, Alfred486264ENG1889
4De Silva, Sithun343419925ENG1787
5Li, Reya486892ENG1766
6Conway, Alexander429554ENG1765
7Shard, Henry459380ENG1715
8Morgan, David154023318WLS1710
9Papneja, Vedant343400159ENG1654
10Ali, Shahyan459402ENG1621
11Sengupta, Sohana343402950ENG1609
12Gopaldas, Caelan343438024ENG1497
13Lam, Joshua343443800ENG0
14Lin, William343433766ENG0