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Chess Power House 1st Rapid - Section C

Last update 24.02.2024 12:25:17, Creator: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 75),Last Upload: Clive Mthunzi

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Starting rank

1Stelloh, SebastianRSA1019
2Brits, EtienneRSA940
3Khumalo, MusawenkoRSA728
4Tau, KemisoRSA717
5Zhu, Ryan YuanchengRSA676
6Meng, XiangRSA623
7Naidoo, KehanRSA615
8Kgwale, ObotegileRSA602
9Mosala, AtlehangRSA598
10Nahon, JamesRSA583
11Akole, SaraRSA575
12Pather, TamishkaRSA574
13Scop, SamRSA558
14Farkas, GadiRSA542
15Collins, JaytemRSA505
16Makoto, TawanaRSA500
17Bakasa, TabithaRSA0
18Kgwale, ItumelengRSA0
19Takuva, TawanaRSA0
20Zhang, Emily XiruiRSA0