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24th European Women's Chess Championship 2024

Last update 29.04.2024 19:05:14, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

Player overview for MDA

161Tuktamisova Diana1864MDA00100100103171173940-39,20

Results of the last round for MDA

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
Tuktamisova DianaMDA18643 - - +3 Mashchenko TamilaUKR1970

Player details for MDA

Tuktamisova Diana 1864 MDA Rp:1739 Pts. 3
170WIMHryzlova Sofiia2251SUI4,5s 040-4,40
2108WFMHajiyeva Laman2114AZE5w 040-7,60
3180Malamousi Evanthia0GRE1s 1
4118Belluire Beatrice2070FRA5w 040-9,60
5136WIMMakka Ioulia1983GRE4s 040-13,60
6174Torres Torres Victoria1468ESP2w 1404,40
768WGMHakimifard Ghazal2253SUI3s 040-4,40
8140Androni Konstantina1977GRE4w 040-14,00
9170WCMSaraci Ndriqona1660KOS3s 1409,60
10144Mashchenko Tamila1970UKR4- 0K