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24th European Women's Chess Championship 2024

Last update 29.04.2024 19:05:14, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

Player overview for FIN

117FMPaasikangas Johanna2080FIN01011001004132204020-11,60

Results of the last round for FIN

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
FMPaasikangas JohannaFIN20804 0 - 14 WFMJaniashvili MariamiGEO1964

Player details for FIN

FM Paasikangas Johanna 2080 FIN Rp:2040 Pts. 4
126IMBalajayeva Khanim2371AZE6,5s 020-3,00
2164Siskou Evangelia1837GRE4w 1204,00
352GMZhukova Natalia2301UKR6s 020-4,40
4160AFMGolsta Ramona1867LAT4w 1204,60
568WGMHakimifard Ghazal2253SUI3s 12014,60
658WIMLach Aleksandra2292POL6w 020-4,60
786WIMGaboyan Susanna2192ARM5,5s 020-7,00
8165Chasouraki Chrysi1827GRE3,5w 1203,80
980FMJarocka Liwia2212POL5,5s 020-6,40
10146WFMJaniashvili Mariami1964GEO5w 020-13,20