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Last update 22.02.2024 21:23:31, Creator/Last Upload: Andi130

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNamesexFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11IFlego, MarinoSLO1944ŠD Piran4,50414
213IIIDjordjevic, AleksandarSLO0ŠD Piran40414,5
33IBogdanovski, ZoranSLO1759ŠD Izola3,51317
49IIIMedvescek, IztokSLO1500ŠD Izola3,50312
510Markovic, UrošwSLO1500ŠD Piran30310,5
62IIHandzic, RamizSLO1827ŠD Piran30310
77IIVidic, MarjanSLO1535ŠD Izola2,50217
84IGrein, BogomirSLO1708ŠD Piran20215
96IIPloc, AlbertSLO1540ŠD Piran20212,5
1012IIIGuzic, ValerioSLO1267ŠD Piran20212,5
115IIVrecek, MatejSLO1651ŠD Izola20210,5
128IIFeld, SlavkoSLO1517ŠD Piran2029
1314Križanič Žorga, AljawSLO0ŠD Piran10110,5
1411IIILoncar, RokSLO1449ŠD Piran00010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)