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Latvijas 2024. gada jauniešu čempionāta fināls U-14

Last update 16.03.2024 13:31:27, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameTypFEDRtgClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 Krtg+/-
110ISteiners, EmilsU14LAT2010Londona8,534,500854058,4
21MKValdats, ReinisU14LAT2107RŠS/Rogule725,5007440-32,8
38ITolmacevs, RomansU14LAT1788RŠS/Matisone722,500754094
46IOlshevskis, Aleksejs JansU14LAT1674RŠS/Matisone5,515,250554088,4
59IJeronovics, TomsU14LAT1845Ķekava/RŠS/Putka512,0005540-12,8
65IDabols, Janis MarksU14LAT1549RŠS/Ungurs414,750344079,6
72IDerbenev, ArseniyU14LAT1828RŠS/Ungurs3,59,2503440-65,6
84IKrakops, MartijsU14LAT1762Jēkabpils/Jankovskis26,0001440-93,6
93IAleksejevs, DaniilsU14LAT1654Olaine/Archess/Raudive1,52,5001440-62,8
107IVorobjovs, NilsU14LAT1582ARChess/Raudive11,7500540-51,6

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: Number of wins including forfeits and byes (WIN)
Tie Break4: Most black