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2024 Coventry Open

Last update 18.02.2024 17:40:05, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk. NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts.
Bowcott-Terry Finlay2298 34b1 23w½ 16b1 17w1 2b14,5
Jones Steven A2298 50w1 47b1 5w1 18b1 1w04
Cont Arya2199 35b1 41w1 18b0 15w1 7w14
Chan Sheng Liang Bernard2165 37b1 28w1 11b½ 18w14
Harborne Matthew J2126 40w1 19b1 2b0 36w1 14b14
Carroll Thomas2221 25w1 15b½ 17w0 44b1 23w13,5
Shearsby Jude2171 36b½ 26w1 10b1 23w1 3b03,5
James Russell A2136 38w1 27b½ 11w0 45b1 24w13,5
Larchikov Maksym2119 18b0 35w1 41b1 28w1 11b½3,5
Mesropyan Hayk1965 21b½ 24w1 7w0 31b1 33b13,5
Luk Danbe1954 46b½ 21w1 8b1 4w½ 9w½3,5
Day Jonathan A1827 24b½ 46w1 13b½ 22w13,5
Zakarian Dimitrios Levon2136 44b½ 39w1 36b½ 12w½ 17b½3
Hutchinson Paul A2077 28w- 49w1 30b1 19b1 5w03
Mason Donald J2066 42b1 6w½ 3b0 39w13
Sagyaman Francis W2056 29b½ 20w1 1w0 27b½ 41b13
Crawford Owen1980 20b½ 29w1 6b1 1b0 13w½3
Gunarathne Senith1879 9w1 30b1 3w1 2w0 4b03
Leung Hao Ran1739 43b1 5w0 29b1 14w0 36b13
Vaidyanathan Adithya2186 17w½ 16b0 24w0 50b1 44w12,5
Potter John M2167 10w½ 11b0 50w1 25b½ 27w½2,5
Larkin Benjamin2127 39b½ 44w½ 38b½ 26w1 12b02,5
Turner Lewis A2101 45w1 1b½ 27w1 7b0 6b02,5
Baer Bruce L2084 12w½ 10b0 20b1 38w1 8b02,5
Honey Luke1999 6b0 32w½ 46b1 21w½ 28b½2,5
Mclachlan Matthew1945 31w½ 7b0 43w1 22b0 45w12,5
He Tom Junde1903 32b1 8w½ 23b0 16w½ 21b½2,5
Keerthi Kumar Advait1753 14b+ 4b0 47w1 9b0 25w½2,5
IMLittlewood Paul E2343 16w½ 17b0 19w0 46b½ 48w12
Latt Maung M2235 48b1 18w0 14w0 39b0 49w12
Mikalajunas Kajus2145 26b½ 36w0 34b1 10w0 38b½2
Burrows Martin P2132 27w0 25b½ 40w½ 42b½2
Sullivan Daniel Js2094 41b0 37w½ 49b1 10w02
Lishoy Gengis Paratazham Dildarav2050 1w0 40b½ 31w0 43b½ 46w12
Day Tom1983 3w0 9b0 48b1 41w0 50w12
Wastney Dylan1979 7w½ 31b1 13w½ 5b0 19w02
Evans Harry G1958 4w0 33b½ 42w½ 40b½2
Patel Keatan1939 8b0 43w1 22w½ 24b0 31w½2
Gulijevs Eldars1896 22w½ 13b0 30w1 15b02
Pyun Lindsay1893 5b0 34w½ 32b½ 37w½2
Pyda Arjun1866 33w1 3b0 9w0 35b1 16w02
Williams Ana1742 15w0 50b½ 37b½ 32w½2
Yu Rock2066 19w0 38b0 26b0 34w½ -11,5
Gibson Christopher A1910 13w½ 22b½ 6w0 20b01,5
Smith David1872 23b0 48w1 8w0 26b01,5
Arora Tashika2160 11w½ 12b0 25w0 29w½ 34b01
Mesesan Mircea-Marius2078 49b1 2w0 28b0 -0 -01
Mccarthy Damian M2001 30w0 45b0 35w0 -1 29b01
Sung Jaehyun1764 47w0 14b0 -1 33w0 30b01
Jaufarally Nadia2016 2b0 42w½ 21b0 20w0 35b00,5