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Championnat National Individuel U10

Last update 19.02.2024 11:26:28, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1Esmer, Hamza4007484LUX1526BER
2Kostyukovich, Ivan4008421LUX1430STR
3Reddy, Handyalu Kiran4008014LUX1340DIF
4Tiuca, Emma4007549LUX1311SCH
5Osmolovskii, Nikita4009029LUX1267STR
6Chandrasekaran, RishaanLUX1246DIF
7Petunov, Maksim4008952LUX1206BON
8Jain, RohakLUX1200BON
9Ha, Kien VanLUX1200ERR
10Bieber, MaxLUX1200BER
11Manikandan, Advaith4007662LUX1200DIF
12Jaiswal, Parth RamanLUX1200DIF
13Tanul-Stefanut, Adela Ana-MariaLUX1200WAS
14Chen, Weibin MichelLUX1200DIF
15Di Prata, HugoLUX1200LAT
16Guzdziol, Olaf4007840LUX1200MAN
17Gama Belga Borges, PedroLUX1200ROE
18Lawand, Mahmoud4008332LUX1200STR