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Blitz Club Enroque 2024

Last update 11.02.2024 06:41:14, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1FMMunoz Galves, Jhon EdisonCOL2231
2FMNieto, AgustinCOL2093
3CMTorres, EmilioCOL1999
4Gallego, AlejandroCOL1949
5Ballesteros, WilliamCOL1916
6Villamizar, Diego FernandoCOL1915
7Medina, Luis FernandoCOL1874
8Badillo, Julio CesarCOL1788
9Vanegas, JosueCOL1775
10CMHernandez, HelvertCOL1767
11Ceballos Castellanos, IsabellaCOL1747
12Benavides, Miguel AngelCOL1721
13Pacheco, Juan DiegoCOL1714
14Rios, DavidCOL1712
15Ocampo Jaramillo, LibardoCOL1630
16Molina Valdes, Luisa FernandaCOL1619
17Pinzon, Luis GuillermoCOL1582
18Diaz Alzate, SamuelCOL1559
19AIMIdarraga, AlejandroCOL1533
20Duran Lopez, ArlescCOL1488
21Giraldo, Juan DiegoCOL1466
22Beltran Grisales, DanielCOL1462
23Diaz Alzate, ThomasCOL1397
24Hernandez Valencia, Juan PabloCOL1351
25Quijano, JhoanCOL1321
26Archbold Velez, AllanCOL1224
27Galvez, Juan MartinCOL1089
28Acevedo, RafaelCOL0
29Alexey Sneider, AlexanderCOL0
30Arroyave, ShantalCOL0
31Buitrago Arenas, CarolinaCOL0
32Garcia Ussa, SantiagoCOL0
33Lopez, AlejandroCOL0
34Lopez Lopez, William AndresCOL0
35Madrid, AlonsoCOL0
36Mercado Morgan, Jose RafaelCOL0
37Montes, AndresCOL0
38Velandia, AlexanderCOL0
39Vidal, HectorCOL0