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Lista de jugadores confirmados

Blitz Estatal Hidalgo

Last update 11.02.2024 03:15:45, Creator/Last Upload: FernandoSalazarJ

Starting rank list of players

1Zamora Marquez, Martin5162513MEX1101
2Elizalde Vela, YerayMEX0
3Hernandez Hutado, Emiliano SebastianMEX0
4Ibarra Uribe, ReneMEX0
5Maria Jimena, Legorreta SuarezMEX0
6Martinez Rangel, Karla Samantha29642167MEX0
7Mendez Bautista, Iker TeodoroMEX0
8Mendez Bautista, Jose Mateo29614996MEX0