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WWRR F-Group

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony15.02.2024 18:34:50, Creator/Last Upload: De Pluspion Wachtebeke

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1Vertongen, Jack256820BEL1427
7Meert, Maarin261947BEL1418
4Minnaert, Bob271780BEL1415
5Mallems, Juul285650BEL1368
6Zootjes, Aaron40100570NED1366
8Cornelis, Werner213799BEL1343
9Kembhavi, Vihaan281999BEL1322
10Dufour, Jakob282146BEL1314
2Cotman, Dirk240931BEL1312
3Tant, Sander281166BEL1299