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Hessequa Skole Proewe 2 u13 Boys

Last update 03.02.2024 14:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: Azriel Johnson

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Starting rank

1Roberts, IwanRSA1082
2Joseph, WilliamRSA952
3Daries, TyreezRSA881
4Bam, CaylebRSA765
5Van Rooyen, JordanRSA744
6Kleinhans, HayguinRSA734
7Jakobus, Lee-RoyRSA717
8Kannemeyer, MushaanRSA675
9Kortje, LoubreyRSA651
10Kortje, BrintleyRSA630
11Bokwana, DevaanRSA597
12Uithaler, DuraycanRSA542
13Adams, ChristianoRSA514
14Busch, DevandreRSA0RSA
15Davids, JoquinWEG0
16Geldenhuys, LouisWEG0
17Julies, JuvandreRSA0
18Kannemeyer, TehaygenRSA0RSA
19Plaatjies, RonaldinhoRSA0RSA
20Riddles, CleawinWEG0