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Hessequa Skole Proewe 2 u18 Boys

Last update 03.02.2024 15:53:05, Creator/Last Upload: Azriel Johnson

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Starting rank

1Manho, LeanconRSA1202
2Pieterse, RonanRSA1110
3Pietersen, EnzalinRSA1080
4Heynse, ArmandoRSA1050
5Ruiters, KeenanRSA930
6Eksteen, Leigh QuinRSA905
7Saaiman, LuwaydenRSA850
8Sauls, ShalminoRSA738
9Faurie, DawieRSA713
10Kiewiet, MelvinRSA706
11Michaels, DigohenRSA694
12Kemp, TianRSA0
13Maqckini, AyandaRSA0
14Vaaltyn, BenedictRSA0