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2023/24 Warwickshire Primary Schools Team Championship Final

Last update 03.02.2024 18:25:09, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Hallfield (RtgAvg:1147, TB1: 14 / TB2: 26)
1Gandhi, Krish12421111½116,57838
2Chung, Matthew1170111½1105,57693
3Tricoli, Mark1174111111177765
4Okpo, Hannah677111111177782
  2. Blue Coat (RtgAvg:910, TB1: 11 / TB2: 17)
1Blacklaws, Jack7341½010002,57911
2Ho, Aiden813010011147744
3Liu, Jayden7191½1½11057830
4Hulait, Sonam8281½111105,57761
  3. Warwick (RtgAvg:972, TB1: 10 / TB2: 17,5)
1Rashid, Ilyas91610101½03,57885
2Palmer-Brown, James971111½½1167722
3Sweet, Monty700½1001½147833
4Heer, Bani592110010147795
  4. Solihull (RtgAvg:969, TB1: 7 / TB2: 14,5)
1Johal, Joshua723½½010½13,57913
2Singla, Neel621000010127772
3Friemagor, Daniel5631½011½157853
4Armstrong, Lauren1151½½0011147715
  5. St Gabriel's (RtgAvg:960, TB1: 5 / TB2: 11)
1Premkumar, Varun871½10010½37891
2Mayet, Maham594101100037775
3Dixon, Leo96800½10012,57795
4Bontha, Gautam664½0110002,57784
  6. St Mary's (RtgAvg:883, TB1: 5 / TB2: 10)
1Chen, Noah761000000½0,57907
2Cui, William7721011½014,57750
3Ukbit, Mussie699001000017833
4Balakrishnan, Aadya611001101147792
  7. Eversfield (RtgAvg:976, TB1: 4 / TB2: 10)
1Tu-An, Dean00010½102,57873
2Hasan, Beha897010101037732
3Bhogal, Nico708½1½½0103,57832
4Wolstenholme, Orla902010000017750
  8. St Augustine's (RtgAvg:966, TB1: 0 / TB2: 6)
1Lotz, Daniel864011111167892
2Mottram, Jem184000000007834
3Saeed, Nael0000000007790
4Latuszynska, Zosia729000000007775