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2024 Tshwane Chess OPEN Registration Tournament B Section

Last update 27.01.2024 17:30:51, Creator/Last Upload: Jacob Rachoene

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Starting rank

1Modisaotsile, Botlhale14325632RSA1437
2Makhoba, Sibusiso14368218RSA1422
3Radia, Shyam14341026RSA1256
4Slabbert, Zander Nicolaas14341034RSA1248
5Gounder, Arun14362457RSA1224
6Du Toit, Stephanus (Matt14327457RSA1206
7Cloete, Willem14358387RSA1201
8Lotz, Leanu14342286RSA1199
9De Vries, Andrio14325993RSA1181
10Monteiro, Correia Maya14372096RSA1147
11Jones, Edward14339587RSA1142
12Van Loggerenberg, Logan14329204RSA1137
13Liang, Yi-Xuan (Bowie)14328305RSA1136
14Yang, Daniel14346630RSA1126
15Bain, Michael14373700RSA1111
16Gondwe, Prosper14356368RSA1100
17Ribbens, Reuben14375389RSA1092
18Louw, Raynor14329131RSA1078
19Songo, Divine14368633RSA1022
20Van Der Westhuizen, Lihan14357917RSA1428
21Stephen, BulelaniRSA1408
22Dick, NeilRSA1300
23Prinsloo, ChristaanRSA1300
24Takaindisa, AbelRSA1299
25Jordaan, Alexander14351684RSA1260
26Neethling, Jandre Constant14366592RSA1248
27Shuping, Remoletile14339684RSA1228
28Ferreira, Hechter14365723RSA1224
29Lodi, Olebogeng14339790RSA1223
30Rust, Christoph14346575RSA1218
31Timmerman, Mischke14333406RSA1218
32Rambritch, AbhayRSA1202
33Malope, ModupiRSA1405