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JMC Kick Off Tournament - Under 10

Last update 28.01.2024 15:44:02, Creator/Last Upload: hugh theunissen

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Starting rank

1Goncalves, EmilioRSA827
2Exarchos, IsabellaRSA732
3Steyn, KianRSA725
4Palmer, EliRSA630
5Steyn, KahnRSA605
6Barker, LienkaRSA598
7Pelser, AidanRSA596
8Whittaker, LillianRSA595
9Wang, Jiashu DanielRSA586
10Liebenberg, NathanRSA583
11Van Zijl, WouterRSA579
12Ramdhani, AryaRSA578
13Kalmek, AsherRSA548
14Lin, YizhengRSA546
15Venter, JacoRSA536
16Tabilo Lillo, MarceloRSA519
17Loots, AlbertRSA517
18Du Pisani, MalcomRSA507
19Gerber, ZoeRSA501
20Hlabangwane, NtwananoRSA500
21Belluigi, MilanoRSA0
22Froom, LeviRSA0
23Meijer, CarloRSA0
24Pollak, GadRSA0