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JMC Kick Off Tournament - C Section

Last update 28.01.2024 18:06:58, Creator/Last Upload: hugh theunissen

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Starting rank

1Bezuidenhout, DawidRSA1264
2Kalimashe, TshireletsoRSA1261
3Scullard, SienneRSA1252
4Thorulsley, KairaavRSA1229
5Hazelton-Lagarrigue, VincentRSA1227
6Botha, Cathri AmariRSA1202
7Maharaj, AnaamikaRSA1195
8Retief, AntonieRSA1182
9Arokiam, EthanRSA1166
10Barradas, KeanuRSA1161
11Bazhko, AntonRSA1155
12Mallach, MatthewRSA1137
13Bloem, JamesRSA1129
14Kwak, JaesonRSA1121
15Wessels, TheodoreRSA1121
16Horn, EvanRSA1116
17Combrink, Juan-LouisRSA1112
18Chinoruma, KupaRSA1103
19Habangana, BusheRSA1093
20Roetz, KyleRSA1085
21Maharaj, AditiRSA1077
22Bijker, WaldoRSA1063
23Pretorius, KlarissaRSA1062
24Elvin, DavidRSA1060
25Dlamini, FundileRSA1057
26Maharaj, AryaRSA1040
27Durand, BenRSA1036
28Pagenkopf, ChristianRSA1031
29Butler, KaylaRSA1027
30Akker, DylanRSA1026
31Barker, RyanRSA1020
32Stelloh, SebastianRSA1019
33Nkabinde, NkazimuloRSA1017
34Rademeyer, Frederick PaulRSA1017
35Cruikshanks, ConnorRSA1015
36Froom, DavidRSA1009
37Naidoo, YasthiRSA1009
38Ramdhani, ShaheerRSA1001
39Moeng, TshimologoRSA998
40Van De Venter, ZandreRSA988