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Lothian Allegro - Challengers

Last update 14.01.2024 18:00:37, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank

1O`neil, Jim2403064SCO1866
2WFMGroves, Carey2401207SCO1855
3Kynoch, Richard2401266SCO1852
4Macnab, Crawford T2400502SCO1792
5Carter, Richard G2401754SCO1764WD
6Kane, Robert420468ENG1751
7Irving, Neil2402238SCO1750
8Mckinney, Stuart2402653SCO1661
9Ley Polanco, Chihon3444082CHI1656
10Haddow, Findlay2412330SCO1630ED
11AFMWadhwa, Prateek46667040IND1611GU
12Mcgillivray, Calum2405407SCO1602
13Grey, Tom2520133IRL1596
14Rutherford, Kathleen2404117SCO1591
15Mcdiarmid, Euan2410745SCO1521
16Gyalus, Mark17013623HUN1514
17Rath, Srinivas2410028SCO1463
18Gilmovitch, Joe2413175SCO1438
19Pantony, Lewis2413159SCO1111ER