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Tournoi du père noel 2023«B»

Last update 31.12.2023 01:32:57, Creator/Last Upload: Raymond Desjardins

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Bernard Axel1417CAN 38b1 17w1 37b1 3w1 4b½4,514,513,0066,5
2Ivanov Yuan Maksim1488CAN 43b1 25w1 5w½ 20b1 11w14,513,510,0073,5
3Chen Chen1530CAN 40b1 18w1 6w1 1b0 15w141311,0067,5
4Hu Richard1515CAN 39b1 21w1 20w½ 9b1 1w½41311,0066
5Chen Rae1549CAN 15b1 27w1 2b½ 10w½ 12b1412,511,7562
6Zhang Yitian0CAN -1 19w1 3b0 38w1 20b14129,0058
7Porlier Xavier1614CAN 31b½ 33w1 29b1 16w1410,59,2550
8Mourad Michel1598CAN 21b0 47w1 40b1 14w1 10b14108,5064,5
9El=Hassak Mouhcine1558CAN 47w1 13b½ 26w1 4w0 24b13,5117,5055,5
10Radia Anuj0CAN 48w1 11b½ 23w1 5b½ 8w03118,0057
11Baran Marius1736CAN 33b½ 10w½ 18b1 21w1 2b039,58,0068
12Hammoud Khaled1372CAN 35b1 22b1 5w039,56,5036,5
13Zhao Alex1315CAN 35b1 9w½ 25b0 26b½ 27w1397,0061
14Sun Jonathan1398CAN 23w½ 24b1 22w½ 8b0 30b1397,0051
15Saillant Christopher1375CAN 5w0 48b1 17b1 25w1 3b0396,5067
16Amari Mathias1421CAN 17b0 43w1 19b1 28w1 7b0395,0061
17Kiryakov Marin1604CAN 16w1 1b0 15w0 33b1 34w1387,0063,5
18Saillant William1467CAN 28w1 3b0 11w0 32b1 25b1385,5068,5
19Rauch Damien1531CAN 36w1 6b0 16w0 42b1 29w1385,0056,5
20Lajoie Luc1644CAN 41b1 30w1 4b½ 2w0 6w02,510,55,0060
21Tang-han Sean1418CAN 8w1 4b0 32w1 11b0 22w½2,58,57,0060,5
22Nica Ion1634CAN 46b+ 14b½ 12w0 21b½2,58,56,0038,5
23Morin Richer1576CAN 14b½ 31w1 10b0 -0 28b12,57,55,0055,5
24Saspotas Mashe1514CAN 14w0 45b1 31w1 9w02,57,54,7544,5
25Robillard Guillaume1650CAN 34w1 2b0 13w1 15b0 18w0285,0060
26Lamontagne Damien1423CAN 37b½ 45w1 9b0 13w½ -027,54,2538,5
27Chaudari Prabhas1487CAN 29w1 5b0 28b0 40w1 13b0273,5065
28Wang Ruoyo0CAN 18b0 -1 27w1 16b0 23w0273,5048,5
29Zhou Julian1147CAN 27b0 41w1 30b1 7w0 19b0273,0052,5
30Liao Minyan1491CAN 42w1 20b0 29w0 41b1 14w0272,0061
31Zlotnikov Jonathan1422CAN 7w½ 23b0 44w1 24b0 36w½264,5042,5
32Gauthier Luc1670CAN 33w½ 21b0 18w0 38b125,53,7554
33Dauphinais Sophie1461CAN 11w½ 32b½ 7b0 17w0 42w125,53,5057,5
34Bergeron Jean-Guy1427CAN 25b0 40w0 43b1 35w1 17b0252,5064,5
35Sonko Babacar1526CAN 13w0 42b1 12w0 34b0 41w1252,0049,5
36Ouni Iheb1363CAN 19b0 38w½ 41b0 39w1 31b½24,53,2556,5
37Goldner John1639CAN 26w½ 44b1 1w0 -0 -01,56,52,7530,5
38Bédard Michel1593CAN 1w0 36b½ 39w1 6b0 32w01,552,5054,5
39Imbeault Marc1276CAN 4w0 38b0 36b0 43w11,531,5049,5
40Ouimet Alain H1322CAN 3w0 34b1 8w0 27b0 -0142,0047,5
41Germain Max jr1426CAN 20w0 29b0 36w1 30w0 35b0132,0055,5
42Wang Andrew1258CAN 30b0 35w0 47b1 19w0 33b0131,0052,5
43Rebhi Mohamed1256CAN 2w0 16b0 34w0 44b+ 39b0120,5046
44Chagnon Francois1487CAN 37w0 31b0 43w- -00,52,51,2534
45Podariv Cristian1483CAN 26b0 24w0 -0 -00,52,51,2520,5
46Rodrigue Vincent1450CAN 22w- -0 -0 -00,52,51,2511
47Tremblay Xavier1388CAN 9b0 8b0 42w0 -0 -0000,0034
48Levasseur Sylvain1486CAN 10b0 15w0 -0 -0 -0000,0030

Tie Break1: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Sum of Buchholz-Tie-Breaks (all Results)