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Chessfestival Groningen A

Last update 30.12.2023 16:20:09, Creator/Last Upload: NOSBO

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMRomanov Evgeny2561NOR 42w1 15b1 12w1 9b½ 3w1 2w½ 6b½ 22b1 8w17,5050,541,25
2GMKazakouski Valery2586LTU 29w1 11b1 24w1 3b½ 21w1 1b½ 8w1 7b½ 4w06,5052,536,25
3GMKobo Ori2541ISR 57w1 14b+ 25b1 2w½ 1b0 14w½ 23b½ 10w1 17b16,504932,75
4FMKanov Nikola2371BUL 34b1 56w1 26b0 16w1 25b1 8b0 21w1 6w½ 2b16,5046,532,50
5Jin Yueheng2398CHN 47w½ 39b½ 57w1 29b½ 30w½ 32b1 22w½ 13w1 25b16,5039,528,75
6GMTiviakov Sergei2536NED 35b½ 48w1 31b1 10w½ 9w1 12b½ 1w½ 4b½ 7w½605032,00
7GMReinderman Dimitri2580NED 65b1 43w½ 23b½ 17w1 10b½ 9w1 12b½ 2w½ 6b½6047,531,00
8IMPanda Sambit2404IND 56b0 34w1 18b1 55w1 23b1 4w1 2b0 12w1 1b06046,529,50
9IMDe Winter Arthur2405NED 54w1 32b1 13w1 1w½ 6b0 7b0 47w1 24b½ 23w1604627,75
10IMMaatman Nick2371NED 64w1 58b½ 30w1 6b½ 7w½ 21b½ 29w1 3b0 24w1604226,25
11FMStremavicius Pijus2367LTU 44w1 2w0 41b1 13b½ 47w½ 29b0 42w1 38b1 22w1604125,50
12FMAarav Dengla2382IND 60b1 55w1 1b0 33w1 13b1 6w½ 7w½ 8b0 14w½5,504724,50
13GMBeerdsen Thomas2511NED 38b1 27w1 9b0 11w½ 12w0 54b1 30w1 5b0 36w15,504524,00
14FMPalchuk Andrii2328UKR 50b1 3w- 54w1 22b½ 15w1 3b½ 24w½ 25w½ 12b½5,504425,25
15IMSanket Chakravarty2361IND 28b1 1w0 39b½ 58w1 14b0 41w½ 18w½ 35b1 29w15,5043,523,25
16GMKovchan Alexander2491UKR 39w½ 47b½ 42w1 4b0 38w1 30b½ 36w1 17b0 32w15,504123,00
17FMDe Boer Eelke2346NED 63w½ 51b1 58w1 7b0 40w1 22b0 26b1 16w1 3w05,5040,522,25
18FMToktomushev Teimur2249UKR 21w0 52b1 8w0 44b½ 64w1 31w½ 15b½ 47b1 38w15,5038,520,50
19FMVan Foreest Machteld2344NED 48b0 46w1 33b0 56w1 53b1 23w0 27b½ 34w1 31b15,503822,50
20FMJaiveer Mahendru2294IND 37w1 24b0 40w0 54b0 63w1 44b½ 45w1 41b1 30w15,5035,521,50
21GMStremavicius Titas2550LTU 18b1 31w½ 43b1 26w1 2b0 10w½ 4b0 23w½ 27b½504824,75
22Lahaye Rick2439NED 55b0 35w1 65b1 14w½ 27b1 17w1 5b½ 1w0 11b05046,524,25
23WGMGomes Mary Ann2332IND 51w½ 63b1 7w½ 24b1 8w0 19b1 3w½ 21b½ 9b0504623,50
24GMNevednichy Vladislav2452ROU 33b1 20w1 2b0 23w0 55b1 43w1 14b½ 9w½ 10b0504622,50
25IMBulmaga Irina2439ROU 45w1 36b1 3w0 32b1 4w0 47b½ 41w1 14b½ 5w05045,521,75
26GMKrasenkow Michal2532POL 41w1 30b½ 4w1 21b0 29w½ 36b½ 17w0 31w½ 45b1504323,50
27FMSlagboom Leandro2304NED 59w1 13b0 47w½ 64b1 22w0 40b1 19w½ 29b½ 21w½503919,25
28Van Helvoort Rob2098NED 15w0 29b0 62b1 65w1 41b0 57w1 31b0 42w1 39b15035,517,00
29FMLambrechts Koen2290NED 2b0 28w1 48b1 5w½ 26b½ 11w1 10b0 27w½ 15b04,504922,75
30FMKollen Zyon2318NED 49b1 26w½ 10b0 39w1 5b½ 16w½ 13b0 33w1 20b04,504620,50
31FMElgersma Onno2310NED 40w1 21b½ 6w0 45b½ 54w½ 18b½ 28w1 26b½ 19w04,504320,25
32IMDe Jong Migchiel2301NED 53b1 9w0 56b1 25w0 48b1 5w0 37b½ 49w1 16b04,504115,75
33Albers Sasa2192NED 24w0 59b1 19w1 12b0 36w0 49b½ 50w1 30b0 44w14,5039,518,25
34Van Rootselaar Rik2105NED 4w0 8b0 49w½ 59b½ 46w½ 64b1 40w1 19b0 50w14,5039,515,75
35Smeets Kobe2239NED 6w½ 22b0 37w1 47b0 44w½ 50b½ 52w1 15w0 49b14,503918,25
36IMKanyamarala Tarun2305IRL 61b1 25w0 55b0 60w1 33b1 26w½ 16b0 37w1 13b04,5038,517,50
37Francs Marats1990LAT 20b0 60w1 35b0 38w0 56b1 59w1 32w½ 36b0 47w14,503615,25
38Jacobs Florian2218NED 13w0 40b0 50w1 37b1 16b0 48w1 43b1 11w0 18b0404215,50
39Labruyere Roger2208NED 16b½ 5w½ 15w½ 30b0 49w½ 52b½ 44w½ 53b1 28w04041,517,75
40Adamovics Aleksejs2015LAT 31b0 38w1 20b1 43w½ 17b0 27w0 34b0 54b1 41w½404016,50
41CMAashman Gupta2235IND 26b0 66w1 11w0 63b1 28w1 15b½ 25b0 20w0 40b½404013,75
42Mierins Emils Janis2258LAT 1b0 50w1 16b0 48w0 58b1 55w1 11b0 28b0 52w14039,512,00
43FMNagarkatte Vedant2320IND 52w1 7b½ 21w0 40b½ 45w1 24b0 38w0 44b0 61w14038,515,50
44Boeren Jurriaan2102NED 11b0 65w0 66b1 18w½ 35b½ 20w½ 39b½ 43w1 33b04038,515,25
45WIMKanyamarala Trisha2184IRL 25b0 61w½ 51b1 31w½ 43b0 53w1 20b0 57w1 26w04037,514,25
46Vijayakumar Rishi2104SCO -0 19b0 59w0 61w½ 34b½ 56w½ 63b½ 55w1 57b14032,512,00
47Keuning Selwin2139NED 5b½ 16w½ 27b½ 35w1 11b½ 25w½ 9b0 18w0 37b03,5048,518,50
48Kazarjan Gachatur2078NED 19w1 6b0 29w0 42b1 32w0 38b0 57b0 60w½ 63b13,503713,50
49Boer Alef2017NED 30w0 57b0 34b½ 51w1 39b½ 33w½ 54w1 32b0 35w03,5036,513,50
50Arnold Rhys2053NED 14w0 42b0 38b0 66w1 60b1 35w½ 33b0 59w1 34b03,5035,510,25
51Spit Vincent2076NED 23b½ 17w0 45w0 49b0 -0 60w1 56b1 61b½ 53w½3,503411,75
52Goudriaan Rafael2039NED 43b0 18w0 60b0 62w1 65b1 39w½ 35b0 58w1 42b03,5033,510,50
53Ritzerveld Noah1997NED 32w0 64b½ 63w½ 57b1 19w0 45b0 55b1 39w0 51b½3,5032,510,00
54Nicolai Amir2156NED 9b0 62w1 14b0 20w1 31b½ 13w0 49b0 40w0 59b½3041,512,50
55Kumar Prajit Sai2172NED 22w1 12b0 36w1 8b0 24w0 42b0 53w0 46b0 -1304011,50
56Van Der Leest Bert2142NED 8w1 4b0 32w0 19b0 37w0 46b½ 51w0 66b1 62w½304011,25
57IMGrooten Herman2243NED 3b0 49w1 5b0 53w0 61b1 28b0 48w1 45b0 46w03039,510,00
58WFMTer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1974LAT -1 10w½ 17b0 15b0 42w0 63b½ 61w½ 52b0 60w½303711,25
59De Jong Mathijs2008NED 27b0 33w0 46b1 34w½ -0 37b0 64w1 50b0 54w½3036,510,75
60WIMKrasenkowa Elena2109POL 12w0 37b0 52w1 36b0 50w0 51b0 66w1 48b½ 58b½30338,00
61Bakija Alan2010NED 36w0 45b½ 64w0 46b½ 57w0 62b1 58b½ 51w½ 43b0303210,50
62Groenewoud Joel1997NED -0 54b0 28w0 52b0 66b1 61w0 -1 63w½ 56b½3028,56,25
63Schuricht Emil Frederick2095GER 17b½ 23w0 53b½ 41w0 20b0 58w½ 46w½ 62b½ 48w02,50379,50
64Van Batenburg Mees2109NED 10b0 53w½ 61b1 27w0 18b0 34w0 59b0 -1 -02,5036,56,75
65FMBesou Hussain2280GER 7w0 44b1 22w0 28b0 52w0 -0 -0 -0 -01034,54,00
66Mohtaat Homayoun2013AFG -0 41b0 44w0 50b0 62w0 -1 60b0 56w0 -010291,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable