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II. Pécsi Rapid Verseny

Last update 13.01.2024 13:18:59, Creator/Last Upload: Barnessi

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Starting rank

1IMCsiszar, Csaba705276HUN2379
2FMHaszon, David733610HUN2228
3FMSchmikli, Laszlo716090HUN2146
4Solty, Laszlo708267HUN2059
5Bihercz, Gabor725455HUN2049
6AIMJuhasz, Zoltan765368HUN2018
7Rozsa, Peter705560HUN1995
8Horvath, Gergely747483HUN1901
9Szakaly, Laszlo736929HUN1873
10Albrecht, Akos17014441HUN1842
11Katona, Peter730742HUN1823
12Bedo, Endre792101HUN1787
13Mitric, Milutin736759HUN1775
14Szakal, Bela753840HUN1748
15Csibi, Geza762202HUN1738
16Pinter, Szabolcs Peter781304HUN1681
17Nagy, Peter759791HUN1645
18Feher, Laszlo17023432HUN1639
19Berta, Domos17023815HUN1634
20B.Garai, Lehel17009030HUN1629
21Restar, Laszlo Dr.17013445HUN1602
22Csiszar, Vivien17011477HUN1339
23Nemeth, David Istvan17025834HUN1315
24B.Garai, Etelka17009049HUN1275
25Kovacs, Mate Koppany779938HUN1089
26Lazar, Zoltan17028540HUN0
27Lencz, Kinga17006430HUN0
28Orsos, Kristof17028710HUN0
29Slemmer, Hunor17020433HUN0