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Penang Closed Chess Tournament 2023

Last update 10.12.2023 11:37:35, Creator/Last Upload: PenangChessAssociation

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Final Ranking after 8 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11FMPoh, Yu TianMAS23057036,540,5
29Lim, Wei YangMAS15926033,535,5
35Yeoh, Yuan HuiMAS17125,503741
44Kong, Ren EnMAS17965,503740,5
53Looi, Xin HaoMAS19905,5036,540
62Tan, Khai BoonMAS20145,5033,537
76Lim, Feng Wei FerrisMAS16565,503336
811Choo, Ting HanMAS1353503640
914Yong, Je Pin IanMAS1314503134
1016AIMGovindasamy, KanesMAS1300502931
1131Angad, Dev SinghMAS10705028,531,5
128ACMCheah, Austin WeibinMAS15944,503638
1312Nithiyanatham, GovindasamyMAS13324,5034,537,5
1427Choo, Ting YongMAS11994,503437,5
1528Ng, Siang ZerMAS11454,5029,533
1629Wang, ZhonghaoCHN10984,5028,531,5
1723Lim, JaniceMAS12114,5027,529,5
1810Pragaesh, Shanjay RamMAS1466403739
1919Yeoh, Wei ShenMAS1240403335,5
207WFMChong, Kai Ni AgnesMAS16084032,536,5
2122Eswaran, Tarendra VinayagarMAS12314030,533
2225Ng, Shu HengMAS12064029,530
2335Lai, Guan ChengMAS04026,528,5
2417Wong, Ming Feng RyanMAS12723,5028,530
2521Ong, El WinMAS12383,502830
2620Teoh, Je HernMAS12393,502830
2715Sivanesan, MoganeshMAS13013,502830
2832Woo, Ken Lam DanielMAS10463,5022,523
2913Yeoh, Ming Xun MasonMAS13283029,532
3018Cheah, Yik ZhuMAS1246302929,5
3124Balasundram, RosiniMAS12103025,526
3230She, Shuen FeiMAS10823021,522
3334Foong, Kai XuanMAS02,5026,528
3438Tan, Ying Zheng JeffreyMAS02,502525,5
3533Chong, Rou YiMAS10122,5022,523
3626Ooi, Hun PinSGP12032028,530
3736Phuah, Zheng Ce IanMAS0102222,5
3837Sivanesan, AtharvaganeshMAS00,502122,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)