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Kampionati Kombetar Individual Senior 60+ 2023

Last update 08.12.2023 18:41:33, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

6Pasku, Sotir4700880ALB2014
2Katana, Vladimir4703375ALB1867
5Haxhia, Ethem4704800ALB1840
7Skuqi, Uran4706021ALB1804
10Hoxha, Myzaljen4704002ALB1760
9Bajraktari, Besnik4702042ALB1627
4Hoxha, Agim4702255ALB1614
8Citozi, Fatmir4702450ALB1611
3Tashi, Josif4702352ALB1610
1Shabanaj, Lefter4701348ALB1539