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Alef Super Stars 2023 - Rapid

Last update 05.12.2023 16:32:01, Creator/Last Upload: Sharjah Chess Club


Round 1 on 2023/12/04 at 16:30
112667GMNihal, Sarin½ - ½GMSalem, A.R. Saleh26804
222699GMYu, Yangyi1 - 0GMSjugirov, Sanan25713
Round 2 on 2023/12/04 at 17:45
142680GMSalem, A.R. Saleh1 - 0GMSjugirov, Sanan25713
212667GMNihal, Sarin0 - 1GMYu, Yangyi26992
Round 3 on 2023/12/04 at 19:00
122699GMYu, Yangyi½ - ½GMSalem, A.R. Saleh26804
232571GMSjugirov, Sanan1 - 0GMNihal, Sarin26671
Round 4 on 2023/12/05 at 16:30
142680GMSalem, A.R. Saleh1 - 0GMNihal, Sarin26671
232571GMSjugirov, Sanan½ - ½GMYu, Yangyi26992
Round 5 on 2023/12/05 at 17:45
132571GMSjugirov, Sanan0 - 1GMSalem, A.R. Saleh26804
222699GMYu, Yangyi½ - ½GMNihal, Sarin26671
Round 6 on 2023/12/05 at 19:00
142680GMSalem, A.R. Saleh½ - ½GMYu, Yangyi26992
212667GMNihal, Sarin1 - 0GMSjugirov, Sanan25713