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Prvenstvo SK Rumija 2023.

Last update 10.12.2023 22:23:36, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Round 1 on 2023/12/01 at 18:30

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11Mustafic, Ismet20320 ½ - ½0 Baranin, Gojko18317
28Lekic, Pavle17020 0 - 10 Aleksic, Nenad19802
33Pikula, Rodoljub19780 0 - 10 Kovacevic, Sasa16989
410Radulovic, Vasilije16710 ½ - ½0 Luksic, Vladimir19714
55Bisa, Gani19100 1 - 00 Perazic, Muharem164811
612Kojic, Adil13690 0 - 10 Popovic, Zoran18786
713Pesic, Damjan12980 1 bye