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Southall Congress March 2024 U2300

Last update 24.03.2024 21:03:24, Creator/Last Upload: ukchessacademy

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Starting rank

1FMO`donnell, Conor2504243IRL2284
2Boswell, Jacob Connor427110ENG2254
3Badacsonyi, Frankie460400ENG2160
4Lucchi, Lorenzo821160ITA2088
5Shearsby, Jude462527ENG2086
6Rushbrooke, Remy443590ENG2085
7Clarke, Connor457655ENG1978
8Wiratunga, Jenith452335SRI1933
9ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav491462ENG1924
10Zhang, Junyi494437ENG1924
11Foster, Timothy423769ENG1905
12Kowalski Rubiales, Nicholas54592763ESP1888
13Llewellyn, Julian D484750ENG1877
14Hariharan, Shambavi488160ENG1867
15Zhu, Pengxiao499307ENG1867
16Vashisht-Pigem, Raman469734ENG1809
17Wang, Luoke499293ENG1801
18Shidlagatta, Anirudh469475ENG1758
19Johnson, Felix343400930ENG1728
20Shivakumar, Akshath499765ENG1722
21Veeturi, Yashvardhan343402496ENG1713
22Hu, Junyan343401260ENG1704
23Veselow, Zoe497657ENG1686
24Sui, Yueyue343411924ENG1667
25Nilim, Armaan343411916ENG1645
26Shi, Shaoquan499285ENG1638
27Gupta, Aditya343418643ENG1603