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9-ka kod Jovelje

Last update 28.11.2023 16:11:24, Creator/Last Upload: Vedran Petričević

Starting rank list of players

1GMKadric, Denis14403803MNE2612
2GMIndjic, Aleksandar911925SRB2611
3GMIvic, Velimir950122SRB2563
4GMPerunovic, Milos921629SRB2542
5GMIvanisevic, Ivan912417SRB2539
6GMSavic, Miodrag R920479SRB2477
7GMStojanovic, Dalibor922692BIH2475
8GMDraskovic, Luka944335MNE2421
9IMPerunovic, Miodrag919993SRB2381
10IMPavlovic, Dejan S928399SRB2338
11FMRadivojevic, Ivan928461SRB2258
12IMRadovanovic, Dusan926868SRB2251
13IMMarcetic, Nikola919390SRB2199
14WFMMilutinovic, Stefana942456SRB2151
15Joveljic, Dejan9209233SRB2099
16Klasovic, Andreja921599SRB2037