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Deep Blue open team

Last update 04.11.2023 12:22:38, Creator/Last Upload: Kaden Muller

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Starting rank

1Siebritz, YulRSA1004
2Love, CelineRSA941
3Geduld, Kah-LeeRSA900
4Wehr, CorbinRSA849
5Abdol, CahlanRSA787
6Maarman, LucianoRSA772
7Ellman, AndriesRSA722
8Siebritz, NoelleRSA721
9Baartman, JasonRSA720
10Greyvenstein, JordanRSA692
11Williams, CalibRSA690
12Winder, Noah JamesRSA683
13Geduld, JoshRSA673
14Stoffberg, MikaeelRSA670
15Hendricks, WillowRSA604
16Steyn, SamanthaRSA519