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Big congratulations to WGM Anjelina Belakovskaia who is the 2023 U.S. Senior Women’s Chess Champion. Winning clear first, and $4,000!

U.S. Senior Women’s Chess Championship

Last update 06.11.2023 08:12:44, Creator/Last Upload: Bryon Doyle

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Starting rank

1WGMBelakovskaia, Anjelina2008599USA21532218
2WFMSagalchik, Olga2011280USA21232100
3WIMMarinello, Beatriz2005484USA21112200
4WFMTsodikova, Natalia2011913USA20612181
5WIMDimitrijevic, Vesna2004712USA20601907
6WIMTeasley, Dorothy2004526USA20442000
7WIMRoot, Alexey2004658USA19492000
8WIMShernaz, Kennedy2004755USA17591900
9Cabrera, Varinia F30993997USA17071814
10WCMKuhner, Mary2004607USA16781737
11O`neill, Julie Anne2021447USA16591800
12WCMChristiansen, Natasha2024012USA15581817