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Iranian Men's National Team Selection To Participate In The Asian Nations Cup

Last update 07.11.2023 11:49:07, Creator/Last Upload: Iran Chess-Federation (Licence 85)

Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED12345678Pts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMMosadeghpour, Masoud2467IRI*111½11+6,5019,753,5
2FMMovahed, Sina2441IRI0*0111½14,5011,752
3IMPoormosavi, Seyed Kian2382IRI01*½½01+4011,502
4IMTahbaz, Arash2434IRI00½*11½½3,519,751,5
5IMAtakhan, Abtin2418IRI½0½0*11½3,5010,751
6FMMahdavi, Reza2323IRI00100*½12,50,56,251
7FMEbrahimi Herab, Hamidreza2334IRI0½0½0½*+2,50,56,251
8IMHakemi, Arman2456IRI-0-½½0-*103,501

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break3: Koya Tie-Break