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Robertson Chess Tournament Oct 2023 Under 15

Last update 28.10.2023 16:00:04, Creator/Last Upload: Susan Mittermaier

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Starting rank

1Chamba, Ruvarashe SharoRSA888
2Windvogel, Jo-WanoRSA877
3Harris, GeorgeRSA849
4Visser, DenwillRSA847
5Jacobs, JofeslineRSA846
6Windvogel, AdriannoRSA776
7Payne, DanielRSA745
8Scheepers, DurranRSA685
9Lombaard, RomelioRSA669
10Jansen, LeonayRSA594
11Adams, RaylinRSA0
12Lawerdien, DamianRSA0
13Bukani, Howard-LeeRSA841