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The Sligo Tournament 2024 Master

Last update 04.02.2024 20:49:21, Creator/Last Upload: Colm O Muireagain

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Round 1 on 2024/02/02 at 19:00

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11GMGormally, Daniel W24420 - - +0 Hushpit, Lukian202112
213CMMacElligott, Gerard19640 0 - 10 IMGubanov, Oleg22852
33FMPein, Jonathan22730 0 - 10 Sheahan, Gavin195014
415Jakhria, Kushal18870 1 - 00 O'Connor, Jonathan21634
55WIMTetenkina, Irina21400 1 - 00 Melling, Jonathon187016
617Woods, Yannick18560 0 - 10 Shearsby, Jude21336
77O'Cuilleanain, Oisin21010 0 - 10 Beryozkin, Sergey185218
819Lyons, Brendan18440 0 - 10 FMCulbeaux Tello, Oscar Abraham20988
99FMQuinn, Rory20800 1 - 00 Beatty, Ross183120
1021Boyle, Bernard18300 0 - 10 Naughton, James205510
1111Sheahan, Ben20250 1 - 00 Mize, Dylan179822
1223Kavanagh, James17970 1 bye