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No player can ask for a draw in this tournament, if he asks for a draw then the player will be considered defeated as per the rules. Its purpose is to encourage trying to fight on the board. A draw can be made only when a draw is reached or both players repeat moves consecutively.

5th Khelo Chess India Sunday Master's Round Robin Tournament

Last update 22.10.2023 08:37:52, Creator/Last Upload: ChessBase India

Starting rank list of players

6WIMFranco Valencia, Angela4403070COL2066
1Suraj, Choudhary5045487IND1858
8AGMSikka, Sumit25080431IND1618
5Vedant, Bhardwaj25133497IND1616
3Sidharth, Upadhyay46648577IND1559
9Delwar, Dharmesh46666435IND1457
10AIMChoudhary, Sagar35082965IND1380
2Ishaan, Singh Khanuja25715496IND1300
7Choudhary, Sarita35083317IND1271
4Nigudkar, Ameya25705814IND1238