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Hoogeveen 2023 Open

Last update 28.10.2023 19:20:12, Creator/Last Upload: fpi

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Round 9 on 2023/10/28 at 14:00

*) *)
Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.PGN
12GMLodici, Lorenzo25377 1 - 0 FMElgersma, Onno226612PGN
25IMDe Winter, Arthur23976 0 - 16 IMZwirs, Nico24513PGN
310FMVan Dael, Siem2321 1 - 05 FMVan Foreest, Machteld226613PGN
41GMErnst, Sipke25515 1 - 05 FMSchoorl, Rob23577PGN
516FMKrishnan, Ritvik21765 0 - 15 IMMaatman, Nick23826PGN
68FMPaltrinieri, Nicholas2344 1 - 0 Labruyere, Roger214819PGN
711FMSlagboom, Leandro2305 1 - 0 WGMKiran, Manisha Mohanty203427PGN
833Kazarjan, Gachatur1970 0 - 14 FMDe Boer, Eelke23279PGN
936Zecha, Oscar1838 0 - 1 Van Helvoort, Rob210523PGN
1014FMVan Kooten, Luuk22554 ½ - ½4 Arnold, Rhys208724PGN
1129Van Rootselaar, Rik2015 0 - 1 WGMSwati, Ghate199532PGN
1215Mueer, Sebastian22304 0 - 1 FMMaris, Ivo24044PGN
1335WFMMargadgua, Erdenebayar1848 ½ - ½ Fehr, Axel Dr.201130PGN
1420FMKett, Tim21303 1 - 0 Nijdam, Brian191834PGN
1525Duchene, Rene20653 0 - 13 Boeren, Jurriaan212021PGN
1622FMVogel, Jaap2106 ½ - ½3 Hoffman, Ron203228PGN
1726Boer, Alef2058 ½ - ½ Goudriaan, Rafael215318PGN
1831Boersma, Jan19972 bye 
1917Mellema, Andries2160 0 not paired 

*) This player is assigned to a fixed board.