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Prize Fund of R 61,000

Bonnievale Open Rapid 2023 - Championship Section

Last update 21.10.2023 17:55:35, Creator/Last Upload: Paul Wilson

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Starting rank

1Mnyasta, CharltonRSA2283
2FMMwale, JosephRSA2259
3IMKarsten, JanRSA2256
4IMKobese, WatuRSA2255
5Rogov, MatfeyRSA2198
6Mnyasta, TezihanoRSA2012
7PMDavies, JasonRSA2006
8FMBhawoodien, ShabierRSA1966
9Samuels, EthanRSA1954
10Van Zyl, AlbrechtRSA1939
11Gainsford, AshwinRSA1936
12Salimu, ReubenRSA1920
13Kleinsmidt, CherwinRSA1919
14Hemeni, SimamnkeleRSA1888
15Ncethelo, BongolethuRSA1865
16WIMFebruary, JesseRSA1864w
17Makhetha, LaviensRSA1856
18Braaf, JiraanRSA1827
19Tlhaleroe, IsmaelRSA1778
20Macheka, ClaytonRSA1758
21Rogov, TimofeyRSA1749
22Ressel, TaneRSA1717
23WIMDu Plessis, AnikaRSA1615w