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The Oxford School - InterSchool Chess Tournament 2023(HS)

Last update 15.10.2023 12:15:40, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Association Kerala

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Starting rank

1Sidharth, Mohan33352550IND1555Shanthiniketan,Kunnumpuram TVM
2Akshay, A R33436126IND1455
3Farriz, J25158058IND1280Lecole Chemapaka International
5Amanat, Farhan S33495092IND1233St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
6Adarsh, Ajith25983415IND1144St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
7Arjun, S Anil33478201IND1139Chirst Nagar Kowdiar
8Saikrithik, G48725544IND1098St.Mary's Centeral School
9Siddharth, Anoop88124401IND1001STCS Mukkolackal
10A J Devananth,IND0
11Aalok S Amrit,IND0St. Thomas HSS Trivandrum
12Ajo S John,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
13Akul A S,IND0Christ Nagar Thiruvallam
14Ansaf Sadik,IND0Christ Nagar Thiruvallam
15Arush Nath,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
16Aswinkrishna N S,IND0Christ Nagar Thiruvallam
17Bhuvana, Nandakishor48724955IND0Carmel HSS Thycaud,TVM
18Cea, Mary Anil25158015IND0
19Cerwin Paul Antony,IND0Chirst Nagar Kowdiar
20Dias, Issac Panicker33478236IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
21Gokulg,IND0Christ nagar
22Ishaan, Mathew Shaji88124320IND0Lecole Chemapaka International
24Johann Jacob Samuel,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
25Mahaadev D L,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
26Muhammed Ehsan Jaseer,IND0Oxford School Trivandrum
27Naveen B,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
28Neeraj P,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
29Nimad Nahas,IND0
30Noel, Kurian88124363IND0CNIS Trivandrum
31Rahul R,IND0See Vivekanada memorial
32Roy Mammen,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
33Sanjval B.S,IND0St.Thomas Residential Trivandrum
34Vyas Dilu,IND0MGM CPS School aakulam